
WHY ‘Time Management & Study Skills’ ?

In this competitive world, where children need to excel in everything, they ought to master the art of using their time effectively. The list of activities lined up for a child in a day is overwhelming. The activities range from school work, projects, extra curricular, enrichment, social, family oriented…. Man, this is never ending!!

Does your child always feel rushed, loaded with work or time-pressed? Does your child get distracted or procrastinates a lot?

The only solution is ‘time management skills’. The ‘Time Management’ program teaches students crucial skills that helps them plan, execute and complete all their activities in the desired and pre-determined time. Finally, your child will have time for everything, and still not be rushed!! The program also equips them with unique techniques to improve concentration, desist distractions and prevent procrastination.

Finesse Academy helps participants get accustomed to simple, practical techniques to help increase productivity, reduce stress and improve results.

“A place for everything and everything in its place”. Yes! You guessed it right. We are talking about organizing skills. Time management and proper organizing skills go hand in hand. This is the perfect source for students to learn to organize backpacks and lockers, in addition to overall tips to create a clutterfree, ideal study atmosphere.

All pre-teens and teens are learners. Its absolutely necessary for every student to know their learning style and adopt the appropriate studying technique best suited for them. The ‘Study Skills’ section of the program teaches students time-tested learning strategies so that they can achieve maximum results in minimum time.

Efficient time management is certainly the key to getting the most out of your day but finding a perfect balance in your life is the key. What we mean by ‘balance’ is a fine blend of effective study skills with excellent time skills. The students who graduate from this program will master the art of managing time, organizing and learning.

Following is the break-up of the course:
Time Management:

- Get a handle on your time

- Make time tangible

- The myth of free time

Time Management:

- How long will it take?

- Your unique relationship to time

- What’s Working?

- What’s not Working?

Study Skills:

- Identify your Learning Style

Time Management:

- Get Organized

- Tools For organizing your space (home study area, bedroom)

- Tools for organizing your Paper flow, school materials and after school gear

Study Skills:

- Self assessment of Study habits and Study skills

Time Management:

- Organizing your time

- Track your Time

- Identifying your priorities

- Time Mapping-Creating your ideal balance

Study Skills:

- Healthy study habits-checklist, classroom exercises to explore problem areas

Time Management:

- The WADE formula

- Tool For handling Long-Term Projects

Study Skills:

- Distraction Tool

Time Management:

- Studying- what’s Working & What’s not Working

- Your energy cycle and sources

- Your unique energy boosters

Study Skills:

- Mapping Your Personality Type and your study Schedule

- Obstacles in developing good study skills

- Tool for creating skill sets to enhance your study skills

Time Management:

- After school activities

- Applying WADE to your After-School situation

- Avoid Procrastination

Study Skills:

- Concentration Tip sheet

- Speedy Reading and Listening Skills

Time Management:

- Increase Your efficiency

- Find hidden time

- Tips for minimizing Interruptions

- Tips to handle Perfectionism

Study Skills:

- Tips on Taking Smart Notes

- Marshal your resources/Conquer the Material

Time Management:

- Pace yourself

- Master your moods

- Give yourself a break

- Evaluate your Time Map

Study Skills:

- Tips for storing Structured Information and Memorization Techniques

- Tips On Test Taking Skills

Time Management:

- Tips To become a straight-A student

Study Skills:

- Importance Of Self-Motivation in Maintaining Healthy Study Habits/Study Skills